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4. 1. 棹と胴


棹の後ろにあるネジを さわり と言います。


この洋楽的には雑音 と言われる音をあえて入れるのが日本音楽の特徴です。

How does Shamisen make buzzing sound? The screw you can see on the back of the Shamisen neck is called Sawari, this is the mechanizm that shamisen makes buzzing sound.

The way we add noise on purpose is one of the feature of Japanese Music







アフリカ花梨もマメ科ですので 間違いのない花梨です。

他のメーカーではマレーシア花梨やチベット花梨の名前で 花梨という名前を使っているところもあったのですが、


What is Karin, which is the material of Tsugaru Shamisen neck ? 

Tsugaru Shamisen's neck is made from Karin or Kouki.

Karin means leguminous plants.

Formerly they are obtained in Thai, Laos, and Myanmar in Asia

But now we can't get them because they were obtained too much.

So they changed into African Karin.

African Karin grows in West African Mountainous area

African Karin is leguminous plants, so it's exactly Karin.

Other manufactures uses the materials called Tibetan Karin and Malaysian Karin,

But they are not leguminous plants.


重要なところにはシールがついています。 初心者の方には番号のついた譜尺シールがついていますので 安心してください。

How can shamisen player know what position should we push?  There is point sticker on important positions. For beginners, we put number sticker called "Fujaku" on it, so no worries.

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